The Celebration Continues!

Lions Stephanie Coleman and Benjamin Swiggett (Co-chairman Morris Lions Club Centennial Committee) Diane Mangan (Morris Hospital Diabetes Educator) and George McComb (President of the Morris Hospital Foundation)

On Thursday, March 30, we presented a second check to the Morris Hospital Diabetes Program, in the lobby of the Morris library. The donation is part of the Centennial Legacy Project, celebrating the one-hundred year anniversary of the founding of the first Lions Club, in Chicago.

This donation followed an initial donation of $5,000 in January, of this year. The donations are used to provide A1C tests, and to provide Diabetes testing supplies for those who need them.

Along with the two donations, a display rack has been setup in the the lobby of the Morris library. The rack contains information on the Morris Hospital Diabetes Program, as well as general information on Diabetes. We would like to send our thanks to the library for the use of one of there rotating display stands. We would also like to send a heart-felt thanks to the community of Morris for supporting us over the years.

As always, check out our Facebook Page for more photos and updates on events.

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