Counter Mint Sales

Working together locally and internationally, the worldwide network of Lions has vastly more resources and is able to accomplish much more than individuals and small groups working alone.

Learn more about Lions Mint Sales

Each year in October many of the Lions Clubs in Illinois join in making a special effort to raise funds for the seeing and hearing impaired individuals of our state who cannot afford glasses, hearing aids, or other special devices.  We are the only organization in Morris that helps fund individuals with these particular problems.  In 1925 the Lions Club members at that time were asked by Helen Keller to become “Knights for the Blind” and from that time forward we have continued that quest.

Businesses in our community donate to us so that we can purchase candy for our event.  We thank these stores for helping us. We have been allowed to once again stand in front of stores like Walmart, and Jewel to solicit our donations.  We have been allowed to once again stand in front of stores like Walmart, and Jewel to solicit our donations. 

We give out  candy mints, and ask for donations as a simple thank you for your support.   We ask YOU to help us-- help those in need -- so that you too can become a “Knight for the Blind and also the hearing impaired.”

You will see displays around town with rolls of Lions Mints for sale.  Proceeds from the mints go to our Sight and Sound programs.  Put a roll in your purse or in your car to have when you want a mint.  The kids love them too.  Thank you for your donation to Morris Lions Club!
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