About Us

Lions meet the needs of our communities and the world, ranging from assisting the visually impaired and working with local youth to medical missions and disaster relief.


Since 1938, Lions have been meeting the needs of our community as a whole and the citizens within.  The Morris Lions Club of Illinois is a 38 member volunteer service organization. We have fundraisers to collect money. Then in turn we have community projects or make donations to worthy groups, individuals or causes, 100% of our money is returned to the community. Morris Lions Club meets every 3rd Thursday evening at 6:30 PM in the Eagles Hall at the corner of Washington and Liberty Streets in downtown Morris. (This is just west of the Courthouse). Sometimes a short program is scheduled and then a business meeting is conducted.  Our Motto is “WE SERVE”.

Follow us on Facebook at: Lions Club of Morris Illinois
Our club email address is: [email protected]
Visit the Lions International web page for much more information: www.lionsclubs.org

Morris lions club logo

Who are we!

The Morris Lions Club is a group of volunteer citizens, from a wide range of professions, trades, and ages, united to serve our community. LIONS are apolitical, nonsectarian, and do not base membership on race, creed or color. We are men and women who volunteer our time and talents to humanitarian causes in the local and worldwide communities. By conducting service projects and raising funds, LIONS strive to help those in need, wherever a need exists.

Our five Global Causes are :
1. Vision and Hearing
2. Hunger
3. Environment
4. Childhood Cancer
5. Diabetes

We provide glasses and hearing aids for people in our community who can’t afford them.  We also provide Christmas Gift Cards and Thanksgiving Gift Cards for local families. We hold a Halloween Costume Contest and an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids.  We give scholarships to students at Morris High School and have sent 2 high school seniors to the World Affairs Seminar for several years.

 In the community, we have made improvements to Morris City Lions Park, donated to the seven local schools, helped the Morris Fire Department, supported We Care, donated to Operation St. Nick, Morris Hospital, Grundy County Health Department, Morris Public Library, Morris Theater Guild, Illinois Eye Bank, Leader Dog School for the Blind, St. Vincent, and through the Lions of Illinois Foundation we have provided and served meals for Camp Lions for the Blind and Deaf each year for several years, and many more.

We have fun and fellowship, but most importantly, we serve our community in so many ways. YOU can too! Where there is a need, there is a Lion!!


  • Make a difference everyday in your community

  • Provide support locally or reach out internationally

  • Grow personally and professionally by participating in our programs, community service projects and events

  • Have an impact on local and international humanitarian issues

  • Develop relationships with both local and international community and business leaders

  • Develop your leadership skills

  • Make new friendships and connections

  • Have access to membership discounts and services


Any person interested in joining can fill out an application here on our web page, or speak to any Lion. If you have specific questions or concerns you can e-mail us at [email protected] or call Lion Tom Kinzler at 815-735-1450.  We are always looking for new members to help us do our projects.

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