Ways we support the community
Lions Park
Managed and maintained by Morris Lions Club with the help of the City of Morris
Hallween Contest
Easter Egg Hunt
Adopt Thanksgiving Families
Adopt Christmas Families
St. Vincent's Table
Vision & Hearing
Helping needy individuals with vision and hearing aids
Citizen of the Year Award
World Affair Seminar
Send two High School students to World Affairs Seminar
High School Scholarships
We provide 2 High School Scholarships
Free Pool Day
Random Acts of Kindness
Diabetes Awareness
Diabetes prevention, management, and treatment
We Care
Operation St. Nick
Eversight Eye Bank
Leader Dogs for the Blind School
Morris Community Hospice
Behavioral Health Medications
Helping those in need of behavioral health medications that cannot afford them, get the medications they need.
Support for Classrooms
In all 8 area schools
Fire Department
Police Department
Lions of Illinois Foundation
Low Vision Clinics
Habitat for Humanity
Illinois Valley Industries
St. Jude Hospital
Morris American Legion Riders
Special Olympics
And many others...
Many other donations done to individuals and groups as the need arises and budget will allow